Your Brand’s Reach: Social Media and Beyond

When it comes to evaluating your marketing efforts on social media, one of the most fundamental metrics is your brand’s reach. Reach, to put it simply, is the amount of people exposed to your content. Reach is a relatively new thing. That’s because it’s only become possible to measure with accuracy on social media platforms, including LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and most noticeably, Facebook. Whether you’re putting out an ad or promotion or working with a team that does video production in Orange County to put out organic content for your brand.

The Difference Between Reach and Impressions

When hearing about reach, you may be wondering how it is different than impressions. Though there are some differences in the way these terms are defined (what Facebook defines as impressions, for instance, Twitter defines as reach), to put it simply, while reach refers to the amount of people exposed to your ad, impressions refers to the total amount of times your ad has been displayed altogether.

Types of Reach

Facebook separates reach into three categories: organic reach, paid reach, and viral reach. Organic reach is the amount of people who saw your post in their newsfeed. Paid reach is the number of times people came across your content because of paid promotion. Viral reach is the amount of people who saw your content because of a friend liking your page or reacting to the content.

How to Increase Your Reach

In order to increase your reach, you may start with paid reach, because this can be more straightforward. Increasing paid reach can be done by increasing your budget, broadening your targeting, lengthening the time-frame of your ad, increasing per-view, per-click, or per-action bids, and adding more keywords or topics. However, in order to improve your overall reach over time, you will likely need to focus on your organic reach. You can increase organic reach by asking followers to share your post. You may also want to look at the organic reach of your past posts and use this to inspire future posts. Find what people are liking, talking about, and sharing, and raise the quality of the content to meet people’s expectations.

Using Videos to Increase Your Reach

If you really care about your brand’s reach, then it is important to consider using videos in your social media content. Research shows that users spend 88% more time on a website that has a video, and that videos generate 1200% more shares than images or text on social media. Videos perform better and can greatly improve your reach. And for good reason. Video is the most engaging type of content. If you ask someone if they would be more interested in watching a video or reading a page of information, most people will choose the video, hands down. While all videos have the potential to be engaging and increase reach, it is important to consider quality when making videos.

Most importantly, the quality of your social media content can make the difference in how you are perceived by your customers. Quality social media content will validate your business in the eyes of your customers, while poor content may cheapen your brand. Because of this, it is essential to look for quality when you are considering video production in Orange County. Eventually, you’ll need to recognize that homemade videos, while useful, have their limitations. If image matters, go to the professionals that can help you generate the content you are seeking and improve your social media reach. Call Twelve12 today, and we will help you take care of your video production needs.

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