Video Production – Marketing Through Social Media

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Video production in Orange County is still one of our most requested services at Twelve12 by our clients. Marketing using videos keeps trending year after year, along with content marketing, and it is among the most efficient ways to promote a business. However, corporate videos and brand videos are not the only way to help your company stand out.

First, I want to make clear that people are more willing to watch a video ad than a graphic ad. Being a tool that is far more dynamic than a static image, it is easier to combine images with sound, graphic elements and voice to deliver a clear marketing message to the intended audience.

Having said that, if you take a close look into the main social media channels and trending apps, you will see that people spend a lot of time watching fun, interesting, and silly videos that are mostly homemade. And you can take advantage of this trend. You do have to be careful to analyze your customers before you attempt to do something new and daring. Some audiences are just not ready or interested in changing too much, engaging too deep or trying new things.

Some changes have been a major pain for marketers in the last few decades, due to the fast-changing rules of online customer behavior. One of them is the way companies relate to their clients. A few years ago, the old-school way was to tell the person how great your product was and present it beautifully, not really caring about other sources of influence. Today, we have seen that the purchase decision is highly influenced by friends, family and even the degree of engagement that exists between a company and the customer.

When you involve your clients in the process of marketing, not just as an audience, but as an active party, it turns into a whole new level of relationship. Two pioneers of doing things this way are the two top soda companies, and I strongly recommend you to watch some of their online videos and check them out for yourself.

So don’t take the product to the client! Bring the customer to the company and make it an awesome experience.  You can do this through video sharing contests, apps, or any other channel you can think of.

To know more about new and exciting ways to engage your customers, give us a call today, as our video production team in Orange County can help you achieve your goals. At Twelve12 we are always looking for the best options for our clients.

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