Video content – make sure that your company is not missing out!


Online trends tend to change at supersonic speed, and platforms that are popular today could be abandoned en masse tomorrow and disappear into oblivion. However, in recent years, some trends have provided some stability to companies and platforms. At Twelve12, we have seen our video production team in Orange County grow at a dizzying pace and we want to share with you some interesting facts that we have learned from that growth.

In the last decade, digital content has opted for two main areas: the auditory one, as is the case with podcasts, and the visual one; the latter has gained such importance that it has even entered stock markets, just as art did in its time. Today, collectors from around the world and at all levels buy and sell unique digital pieces at prices that sometimes reach exorbitant amounts.

But digital art is not the only thing that has evolved in visual content; so has the content we share daily. The penetration of content in video format has experienced explosive growth, so much so that platforms such as Tik Tok and Instagram are visited by millions of people daily and it is almost impossible not to receive content from any of them at least a couple of times a day.

On platforms that were conceived to show more extensive video content, as is the case with YouTube, we see a large number and range of companies with their own channels uploading content even several times a day.

It is certainly possible to be successful with amateurishly-edited video content, but on the other hand, the consumer expects to see higher-level content and editing posts on their favorite company channels – especially if they are going to share the content with friends and family. Products or techniques feature in these videos.

A good video production, with professional characteristics, is where the lighting, audio contamination, details of the set or the location where the filming takes place, etc., are taken care of. It requires a lot of work, time, specialized equipment and good planning, as well as adequate dissemination so that it fulfills its main function. That is why it is preferable to make this type of content in the hands of professionals, especially when the company or business does not have experience making videos and wants to obtain a good result.

If you want to know more about video production and all the options that Twelve12 has for you, give us a call today. We’ll be happy to answer all of your questions.

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