A Piece of the Social Media Pie

It’s an online frenzy: everyone, from that little store on the corner and all the way up to the big companies, wants a piece of that juicy fruit called online marketing. Everybody has interacted with social media, even through friends or family. Who hasn’t watched a video or shared a picture online? Some of the most common enquiries that we get at Twelve12 are about social media management and ways to improve social media presence, as well as Video production in Orange County.

Social media is a powerful tool if it is managed in a professional and careful way, and even then, more than one company has suffered a setback as a result of an unfortunate social media campaign. But most of the time the results of a good marketing plan and effective strategies give positive results. There are some people out there that claimed at some point (and a few still do) that social media was a trend that would pass eventually; numbers don’t lie, and social media is one of the most important marketing channels for almost anything. Even grandmothers who decided to sell their knitting online have succeed with social media; artists have been discovered; children that were abused or abducted had been rescued through this channel; and important messages of tolerance and peace found a perfect place to be spread globally. This is the depth of this incredible tool. If an old lady in a forgotten town in Alaska, managed to sell socks to someone in Europe through social media, anyone can.

Why is this channel such a good option for any company? It is a great way to do many things for your branding efforts, like increase the brand recognition, and it also gives you the opportunity to interact with your customers or potential clients in a friendly and personal way. It is so important because the way you will be able to interact with otherwise unreachable audience is a possibility and it can be done using the best strategy, being introduced by a dear relative.  Being shared and not forced upon an audience is the best way to reach a potential customer that will be more willing to listen to whatever message you want to deliver.

One element is by far the one that causes most impact among people and that is the video. Videos are a fun way to learn about something and you don’t have to read a whole page to understand how something works! With a video, you can deliver a great message with images that can be short but very effective. At Twelve12 we have everything to fulfill your needs for Video production in Orange County. Give us a call today and find out all the options for social media and video production that we have for you and your company.

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