Common Concerns About Attempting Video Content

We have talked about the importance of using the right strategies in digital marketing, it is no longer just about sharing pictures, or a very long post. Videos are among the most effective tools to make yourself noticed online. It is also a great way to introduce your company to investors and as a part of the induction program for employees.

Here at Twelve12, we want to share with you some of the aspects of Video Production in Orange County, especially those that raise some concerns of people that are not familiarized with video making.

It is true that even though it is a normal way of communicating nowadays, some people are still camera shy and would rather decline the use of this great tool than to appear in any video. But, not to worry, with so many options available, you don’t actually need to appear on your video to have one. I do have to mention that having someone talking on a video makes it more personal and approachable than just images, but as the old saying goes, “there’s more than one way to skin a cat”

Choosing to have a face or not on the video is one of the issues, and another big concern for businesses is what to put on their videos. This mostly depends on the message that you want to transmit, so, if you want to sell a product, the best way is to show it and make it desirable – show someone using it, show how it works, whenever we have to make a video, we focus on the added value and we work from there.

Keep in mind that having valuable content for customers is very important right now, so you will have to find ways to indirectly sell your product through this option. If you want to sell kitchen equipment, you may want to share recipes and cooking content using your products; if you sell dog food, you may want to share training tips videos; and if you sell sports shoes, sharing fitness content would be a great way to engage your customers.

Having the will to make a video and knowing the type of video is not the end of it, the real issue is to find out the best way to transmit your message. Are you going to be funny? Cute? Aggressive? And how are you going to do that? Getting the idea and writing down the script is not as easy as it sounds, and don’t believe for a second that those videos that look casual and spontaneous are completely true; trying to actually talk and make sense even for a few seconds on camera can be harder than it looks.

So, there you have it, those are some issues that usually come up at Twelve12 and are amongst the top concerns about Video Production services in Orange County with our customers, if you have more questions give us a call right away.

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