Which Type of Advertising is Right for Your Business?


A good advertising agency in Orange County or elsewhere should be aware of the needs of the client. Not all advertising is good advertising, despite what a lot of people seem to think, and the wrong approach can certainly destroy the reputation and credibility of a business. This is why, at Twelve12, we want to share with you some information that you should always take into account whenever you are planning any type of advertising campaign for your company and products.

The examples are everywhere; most recently, we have seen some personal brand examples of bad advertising. Consider the infamous slap at the 2022 Oscars ceremony; it put an otherwise very famous and popular actor into a very bad spot (it doesn’t matter how well behaved he was before this unfortunate event), this single moment may haunt him for the rest of his life – and not in a good way. Another example is the Fyre Festival, which was supposed to be an exclusive music venue in the Bahamas and ended up as a disaster and jail time for some of the people involved.

But I’m sure that you are thinking that those examples are on a whole different level and that your business could never face anything like that. Well, don’t underestimate the power of social media and disgruntled customers or mass perception.

Some people talk to an advertising agency and try to work on a couple of ideas and then leave it to the agency to decide the best approach. In reality, you should provide a very detailed summary of what you expect to get out of an advertising campaign and how.

Going back to the Fyre Festival example; the idea was great and the advertising couldn’t be better, however, they couldn’t deliver what they promised. This Festival sold out in a matter of days, and the problem with this is that the organizers decided to sell an idea without properly developing a product with adequate planning and management. People often forget that there is a lot of work behind a product, a service, or a business idea and that this should be done by the right professionals at each step of the development process.

So, what does all of this mean to you? You have to understand that people create expectations when confronted with any type of advertising, and it is imperative to revise the message that you want to communicate and make sure that you will, if anything, exceed expectations – and not the other way around.

If you want to know more about the best way to advertise your business with a top advertising agency in Orange County, give us a call today, at Twelve12 we have everything you need to make your dreams come true at a very affordable price.

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