Tips to develop your advertising formula


Advertising Agencies in Orange County are very competitive, and we usually don’t share our trade secrets and success formulas. But our advertising team at Twelve12 wants to share some important information so you can develop your advertising tactics and achieve your business goals. (Of course, we are here to help you if you don’t know how to do this or where to start, or if you are just too busy to do it yourself!)

  1. Type of advertising. Not all types of advertising are useful or affordable for every company, and most advertising campaigns are based on the habits of the target customers. Some decades ago, the selection was very easy – people spent a lot of time listening to their radio or watching T.V. at a certain time of day or night. Some others would buy the same newspaper every day; there were also the groups that would spend a lot of time in traffic, etc. and the selection of the media to advertise on was so easy for businesses to choose. Today, we need to focus on a lot more and try to reach our target audience at the right place and right time. You need to ask yourself: Where is your target market hanging out these days? Is it a particular social media platform? Should you reach them through e-mail? Will you benefit more from a more conservative approach such as traditional mail or on-site? It all depends on your customer entirely – and this is why it is so important that you understand your clients and their behavior.


  1. All of us would love to see an army of customers heading our way, however, is this really what we should aim for? Does your website have the capacity to handle hundreds of people trying to purchase a product at the same time, or would it crash and leave you without a single sale? You see, even a very successful advertising campaign can become a problem when you can’t handle too many customers. Make sure that your reach will only bring the number of people that you can manage to serve with superb service and keep on growing and developing your business – but with a strategy in place.


  1. A successful campaign will bring in a lot of customers, however, it will also capture the attention of competitors and opportunists who may not only benefit from your dedication and hard work, but also from your money spent. Should you stop advertising then? Not at all! The innovators, early adopters, and the bulk of consumers represent the biggest portion in any market and will buy from you. If you stay on top of that and, as soon as the interest begins to slow down, you start with the next big thing, you will always lead the market in any way, so don’t stop advertising out of fear.

If you want to know more about the best formulas to advertise your company, give us a call today at Twelve12 and find out why we are considered one of the top advertising agencies in Orange County.

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