The impact of advertising and how to attract new customers


Advertising and promotion are two activities that must be planned and executed with the utmost care and comprehension of the particularities of our own companies. This being said, they are also some of the most fun and interactive activities that we have to perform as business owners. At Twelve12, we want to share with you some important thoughts from the Orange County advertising agencies about advertising.

Let’s get into the origins of this important practice. It comes from Latin advertere, which means “to look into” or “to pay attention to”. So, now you know, the core of this activity is to make people turn their attention to our message. Easy to say, but not as easy to do!

An ad is more than just a sort of presentation card; it can become a whole new experience for the consumer.

Our ads create more than just a reminder of or introduction to our product. An ad can create a whole new world for our customers. It all depends on the product; some of them take us to a world of luxury and high-end experiences, some others take us back to our roots, to simpler and happier times from our childhood, and some make us feel edgy, free, or even sexy. You can take any preferred, valued and shared experiences from your target audience and reclaim them as yours to offer.

When we recreate or evoke a certain experience that is perceived as valuable for our customers, we bring out a primal desire for possession. A group that shares a need of any kind will pay a lot of money for a product whose main characteristics will recreate the feeling for the client every time that it is used or consumed. Top Orange County advertising agencies take it even further to the next level. With the available technology and the use of immersive marketing techniques, we can transform an ad from a vending machine into a game, an online ad into a scavenger hunt, or a bus stop into an enchanted forest or selfie booth.

We get the opportunity to make a long-lasting impression if the advertising makes a deep connection with the customer. We become more than just another option, we become the one product that will not be forgotten by the target audience.

If you want to know more about how Twelve12 can help your advertising campaign, give us a call today and we’ll be happy to answer all your questions.

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