Keeping Business Open and Help Your Community During COVID-19

All over the world, people have been experiencing the devastating effects of the pandemic that is affecting health and economies everywhere. This is not a time to sit and wait to see what happens to your business; you should take control and start developing a crisis plan to face the new set of obstacles. This is not only about personal gain anymore; this will also have an impact on everyone else around you, and if you can manage to help someone you know, please do so.

At Twelve12, we are fully committed to helping as many people as we can from our trenches.

On this occasion, we want to discuss some actions that the top marketing firms in Orange County are recommending to their customers.

Reinvent your business. Many companies are used to face to face transactions, and this is particularly true for those who own coffee shops, small restaurants, novelty stores, etc. Every company in this position will have to find ways to do business through the online marketplace. In some cases, this will not be an option, but think about it: you know the market, you know what your customers like, and you already have a customer database.

If you can’t reinvent your products or services to fit into an online business model, find the way to diversify or start making a transition to a different business model that is online friendly and that could be appealing for your customers, at least for the next few months.  So, put on your thinking cap and start writing down some ideas. How can you keep your business going and your customers shopping in a way that is safe and profitable for all involved? If you can get your staff involved so they don’t lose their jobs in the process, you will find that you can bring the best out of people if you are a good leader for them.

Marketing is a priority, particularly if you will turn your business upside down. You may need strategies to let your old customers go and attract new ones without losing your business in the process.

Call us today if you want to know more about the best way to transition from your old business to a new successful company; if you are planning on going online and you don’t know how to do it, or if you need help in any aspect of your marketing strategies.

At Twelve12, we want to give you not only what the top marketing firms in Orange County offer, but what your business really needs.  Stay safe, stay healthy.

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