Is Paid Ads on Facebook or Google Marketing?

Is “marketing” a synonym for advertising? No, advertising is just a part of all the marketing endeavors, although it is one of the most visible parts of it; with no planning and strategizing it will only become a pretty visual aid instead of a selling tool.

At Twelve12, we want to share with you some information about the general aspects of marketing and if you are in need of choosing marketing companies in Orange County, or anywhere else, you will be able to direct the efforts in the most profitable way.

Creation of value. Are you aware that for most people who postpone their purchase decision it is because they can’t find a point of differentiation among brands or products? That’s right, it is not the price or the type of product, it is because there’s no obvious added value and as a result, the customer may buy any of the choices available based on anything, even a single better review, and not because of the features of the product.

Smart Brand building and brand strengthening for brand equity. Well-positioned brands are more likely to build strong customer relationships. It is all about the customer and the way they perceive your brand and what it brings to their lives. Valuable experiences and strong brands are among the most important features of marketing.

Strong marketing control and management. Nobody should spend more than they should on marketing, especially if it is not working correctly and towards a goal. Any marketing investment must be carefully planned and controlled, in a way that every single dollar will bring back profit to your company. This should be monitored and analyzed along with the ROI indicators.

Take advantage of new marketing technology. We live in an exciting time where technology has become a great tool for marketing: sensory marketing, virtual reality marketing, augmented reality marketing – all of them can become an ally for customized marketing experiences for your customers.

Marketing sustainability. This is a very interesting concept, as for marketers, sustainability means that instead of focusing on short term value, the efforts should be directed to long term consumer value. With a globalized point of view, since we are trespassing borders through the internet and we should aim to satisfy a customer anywhere in the world. Also, it involves branding and social responsibility, things that you can also use to strengthen your brand and add value to your products and company.

At Twelve12, we believe that you should choose any of marketing companies in Orange County, or anywhere else and be able to work with them and expect positive results, not excuses, now you know a little bit more about marketing in general, but if you need more information on the topic, give us a call today and find out more about it.

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