Choosing The Right Marketing Firm

For many people, looking for the right marketing firm is not an easy thing to do. They all claim to be the best and they promise so many things that sometimes it’s hard not to believe them; after all, that’s what marketing firms do best. Twelve12 wants to share with you some tips to recognize if you are choosing one of the Top marketing firms in Orange County or if you are going to end up disappointed.

First, I want to say that you may not necessarily have to go with a bad marketing firm in order to get bad results; sometimes it’s the way of doing marketing where you’ll find a problem. Let me elaborate on this: if you are a startup with an innovative idea and you are all about pushing the boundaries and crossing lines, selecting a conservative marketing firm will most likely end up badly for you. Of course, it is not going to be a complete disaster, but you will probably be disappointed and get only ordinary marketing strategies. At the same time, a relatively new marketing firm with younger staff could be delivering exactly what you are looking for.

How to spot the difference? Check out their work, see if they have that wow factor that you want for your company. On the other hand, if you are a conservative company, with a sober brand, the last option is to push the limits of your brand and customers. Here, the right choice would be selecting the conservative marketing agency.

Another sign that you can look for is their own marketing: is it good? Do they have for themselves what they are offering? If a marketing company is offering to put you on the map in two weeks and they are nowhere to be found online, not mentioned in articles,  nor have at least made it to a comparison list, they are likely not going to deliver for you. But if their presence is strong and you’ve heard of them before or know some of their work, that is great proof that they will be able to deliver what they promise.

Staff and credentials? Not everyone has to go to college to become an awesome marketer, even though it doesn’t hurt to have some college education. But not every “marketing company” is actually a marketing professional business. Do some research and ask as many questions as you want to until you are certain that you will have the best experience. A small clue is that buying online ads for your company does not qualify anyone as a professional marketer. There are so many things behind a successful marketing campaign that only a real pro will be able to explain the difference clearly.

Finally, you can always narrow your options to your chosen top two or three companies, explain your plans and ask them to present a viable idea for your needs. If they refuse to do it without a contract, well… let’s just say that it’s not a good sign.

If you want to find out more about the Top marketing firms in Orange County, give us a call today, as at Twelve12 we have exactly what you are looking for.

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