Online Marketing Options

Have you been doing online business for a considerable amount of time and haven’t really seen the benefit of doing so? Is it taking you too long to achieve an adequate level of recognition? Being online hasn’t really proven worth it for your company? Before leaving your website to die or bringing it down permanently, consider if you should take a few steps forward and actually make your online business presence worth your time and money.

At Twelve12, we love to help our customers with their online presence, we take care of their online needs and most customers are amazed by the results of their experience, so, it is disappointing to hear the struggles of many regarding this particular way of presenting a company to the world. While it doesn’t come without any effort, online marketing is still one of the most affordable choices for any company, big or small. Many Online Marketing companies in Orange County are not really marketing companies, so don’t put them all in the same bag! For some people, marketing means advertising and this is not what marketing is about. Keep on reading and let your brain explode with new ideas that may be the key to your online success.

Today I want to talk to you about something called “disruptive marketing”. Maybe you have heard about it before, but for those who haven’t, “disruptive marketing” is doing marketing in a non-traditional way. There are many examples, but I don’t want you to be influenced by them. Think about the last time you saw an ad who shocked you in any way, that you shared it on your social media. It can be funny, sad, cute, amazing, crazy or any other adjective that you want to add even if you didn’t purchase the offer. It can also be something that you saw online, a magazine, on TV or experienced at a mall or another location, but it actually made you pay attention to. That wow factor is an indicator that you experienced “disruptive marketing”.

Some marketers are against it; I would only say that it is not for everyone, and you should be very careful of the message because there’s a very thin line between let’s say, funny or shocking and rude or distasteful. You do need to be very aware that some people are going to be more sensitive than others and you should always aim to get a message delivered, but not to hurt people’s feelings or beliefs. Want an example? Look online for the ad campaign related to PSP white, it was disruptive alright but rather racist.

Anyway, I think you got the general idea of “disruptive marketing”; if you want to find out more about the online marketing options in Orange County and you want to find out if disruptive is an option for your company, give us a call today. At Twelve12, we’ll be glad to help you.  

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