Marketing your Business: it’s time to step up and go online

Marketing your business

Have you been stalling to take your business marketing online for a long time, and now you are feeling the pressure? At Twelve12, we are trying to help all of our clients to get ready and to make their online business happen. We understand that it can be a scary time for you, especially if you are not sure about where to start, and this is why we’ve put together this small guide to Marketing you Business.

  1. Know your market. You probably think that you know your market, and that you have been doing this for such a long time that you can handle your store while you sleep. Yes, that might be true for a physical location, but what about an online store? People behave differently when they make their purchases online, plus they also have many more options at the tip of their fingers. You need to really understand the How, When, and Why of your potential customers are deciding to buy online.
  2. Develop your online presence. Having a deep understanding of your market and how your customers behave online, you can proceed to create different tools that will be the most appealing for your market segment. Maybe it will be Twitter or Instagram, or perhaps you will need to start a YouTube channel with DIY content. Your choice should align with your customers rather than what you personally prefer.
  3. Make friends, not customers. I am sure that you have suffered the pain of being the victim of an online store or website, where they constantly bombard you with emails and SMS and calls. It is annoying and we all hate it, so why do it? As customers, we appreciate good and insightful content that will help us with anything, give us some laughs, and which makes us think about something, etc. Whatever we can find that is worth sharing with friends and family and even our boss, that is good content. Focus on delivering what your customer wants, instead of just trying to make them buy your products. Do this, and the sales will happen on their own.
  4. Provide superb customer service. Listen to what your customers have to say and improve your business; show your clients that you care, and they will support you. Think about it as a relationship; you need to care.
  5. Get involved with your community. We are all looking to be a part of something bigger, something that matters, and sometimes we can achieve that as customers by purchasing from a store. Find something that aligns with your values and goals, get involved, and let your customers know that, with their purchase, they will also be supporting a cause.

If you want to find out more about marketing you business , give us a call today. At Twelve12, we will be delighted to help you.

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