How to encourage your customers to check out your online publications

Online Reading

Modern marketing, especially online marketing, has taken unexpected and dizzying turns, not only for those used to traditional marketing but also for all of us who do marketing any other way. That is why at Twelve12 we want to share our experiences with online marketing.

The events of the last few years have launched us at supersonic speed into the future in many respects – from the way we relate to the way we work, the way we learn and, of course, the way we do marketing. Technologically speaking, the world has made many adaptations and improvements that have allowed us to present better scenarios for the world of online commerce. We have all experienced the evolution of the written message to video, and from video to short social visual stories.

Although this form of communication becomes more efficient for the general population, for those of us who want to communicate a message that sells our products or services, it has become quite a challenge. The first and most important consideration is how to prevent our message from getting lost in an endless sea of visual messages and standing out enough in the eyes of our target to compel them to stop scrolling and delve deeper into our offer.

Unlike traditional marketing, segmenting and targeting our customers will not necessarily be the best way to attract someone. In the business world, there is a tendency to believe that the client needs us, however, unless we are the only provider of the product or service we offer, this belief is nothing more than ignorance about how people select a particular brand or product, particularly online.

So, do not think that by simply putting a nice image with a great discount stamp, customers will start pouring in by the hundreds!

Our pro tip of the day is to guide your efforts to produce material with one idea in mind, the scroll-stopper. In other words, look for special details that make your publications stand out from those that are normally found; they can have different forms and elements such as photographic or cinematic effects, be stories or small segmented clips – in short, whatever your audience finds most appealing. At this point, it is best to look at different options and experiment on different platforms until you find the perfect match for your business.

If you want to know more about how our team of online marketers can help you develop true scroll-stoppers, give us a call today. At Twelve12, we will be thrilled to help your business grow as never before.

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