Reaching Your Customers : Digital Media

When it comes to Internet Marketing in Orange County, we need to consider some variables. At Twelve12 we understand that reaching your customers through the digital channels is a bit different than with traditional marketing. With the traditional media, such as television, radio, newspapers, etc. we only need to develop our advertising campaigns based on the audience that we want to target. We may be a little more thorough and do some other types of segmentation like a focus group and find out the way that our target audience would like to be reached.

The case of the digital media is different;with traditional media we have our clients somehow captive, they are watching a show that they like and while they watch it we push our ads, and the same happens with the newspapers and the radio. With the technological era this way of reaching people has changed, and many of them use ad blockers or pay for premium services to avoid advertising as much as they can. This leaves us with the customers that are not willing to pay for the premium services or are not sufficiently tech-savvy to use ad blockers.

So, you must be asking yourself, what to do then to reach your clients? As we have discussed in previous entries, social media and other forms of digital media play a big role in our digital marketing strategies. People’s attention span is very low and they are looking for immediate solutions, they are not willing to wait two minutes watching ads until their favorite show starts again, so they use streaming platforms and hence advertising messages that promise unbelievable results are often ignored. Online customers rely on their social media communities to buy a product, and they research opinions of real customers that have verified purchases and they even look for videos to see if the product is going to be what they expect.

Then, how do we reach our clients? Digital media is complicated, but with its complexity it also comes a lot of information, and we have access to information about the way that our market segments are making a purchase online; this is a great opportunity to understand your customers and reach them like never before.

Today, it is not about how many times we make them see an ad, it is about reaching them, captivating them, establishing a meaningful relationship, and standing out from the others with true added value. This will not only turn our marketing efforts into purchases, it will also turn our customers into our best advocates and that is the beauty of the digital media.

Give us a call today, at Twelve12, we have everything you need for your internet marketing in Orange County.

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