Understanding Your Digital Customers

As we evolve with the digital economy, we need to adjust the way that we commercialize our products and services, especially online, and with so many options out there, we need to be able to customize and personalize our products and services like never before. This is one of the most interesting aspects that we do at Twelve 12 for our customers of digital marketing in Orange County.

With traditional marketing, we used to focus on the four P’s.  These P’s were first introduced by Philip Kotler and they arrived to stay. If you are not familiar with them, they stand for Product, Price, Place and Promotion.

What we do when we find the correct balance is to define the Product that we are going to sell and its Price, the Place where we are selling our products or services and the Promotion that we are going to set in place to sell our goods. The difference from the way we do it now and the way we used to do it has a lot to do with the way that the market is developing in the digital era. Our customers are more engaged and have a more active role with our products and companies; they not only want a product, they want a whole concept where a combination of brand, product and value is perceived, the new customers want to be able to identify with the company that is selling the products, for example with companies that are responsible towards the environment or that don’t test their products on animals, or that only use organic or vegan ingredients. Our clients don’t want to simply buy soap anymore, they want to help save seals in Canada or whales in Japan while they purchase a soap. Of course, there are still people that don’t care much about your company’s policies, but the tendency is moving towards communities with similar interests and more people join these communities everyday through social media, making it harder for us to reach them if we don’t adapt our strategies to the new types of segments.

The marketing guru, Philip Kotler, suggests that we should redefine our marketing strategies and introduce the four C’s that stand for Co-creation, Currency, Communal Activation and Conversation. And he is not wrong: people are willing to get involved with new products; prices should be adjusted according to the country or market and we should be able to be flexible to respond to the demand, and we also need to respond fast to our customers’ needs and be a lot more customized and individualistic in the way we present our products and services. Finally we must listen carefully to what our clients want to say or we’ll be out of the game in no time.

Just like the marketing guru, Philip Kotler, we believe that our customers for digital marketing in Orange County should be part of the creative process for marketing strategies. Give us a call today and find out more about all the solutions that Twelve12 can offer for your company.

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