Be Aware of the so Called Online “Experts”

As a marketing specialist I believe that you can’t always use the same mix of elements to deliver successful results for every company every time. So I like to surf the web and learn from different companies and see what they have done in the past or what they are currently doing to improve their online marketing campaigns.

I usually stumble into articles that you can definitely tell that haven’t been written by experts. I would strongly recommend that if you are thinking about online marketing strategies for your company, to go and seek expert advice. A few days ago, I found this article which stated that many customers begged for SEO and the advice in this article was to “forget about SEO”; that you only need paid ads, aggressive emails and constant pop ups to increase your sales. And this article was published in a well-respected website. I was in awe. I debated myself between laughing and crying, and so I decided that I should warn people instead about the dangers of following these types of publications.

At Twelve12, we not only review your specific case; we also help our customers to understand their target market and the best way to reach their audience. As one of the most successful Internet marketing companies in Orange County, we know that you have to think as a customer to understand them before you launch an online marketing “campaign”  – you don’t want to jump the gun and potentially damage your relationship with your clients forever.

Ask these questions of yourself: have you ever enjoyed constant spamming from a company? Do you honestly make most of your purchases from pop up advertising? Are your purchases always from the social media paid ads or the paid search results?

Most clients will unsubscribe from your email list after just a few days of constant spamming, or will download a pop up blocker and will search further before they purchase a product that keeps appearing on paid results. I am not saying that these tools don’t work, but you cannot forget that they should be used wisely and following a strategy that delivers results. Otherwise, it will be like trying to shoot a fly in the dark.

Professional advice will always be the best way to go, so give us a call today and find out more about Internet Marketing in Orange County. At Twelve12 we have a wide range of options and we will help you find the right choices for your company.

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