How video production can help with brand building

brand building

Have you ever wondered what the main lasting asset of your company is? The answer is the brand; everything else can be recovered again – the building, the machinery, the staff… However, if the brand is sufficiently recognized, your brand will be the key that allows you to restart from scratch in any circumstance. That’s why Twelve12 wanted to talk a little bit about the importance of brand building and the impact of video production in Orange County to help you with that.

First of all, I would like to explain to you that brands are much more than symbols, colors and names. Brands can be compared to an important person in your life, and what makes a brand valuable is the perception and feelings it evokes in customers. Of course, it helps further if it is accompanied by a great design and appropriate colors, as well as functional and attractive packaging because it increases its value even more.

It is very easy to identify this since we all have a favorite brand that we refuse to abandon, despite the fact that there may be other more attractive offers in the market – and this is because we feel identified with that brand.

It is not enough to reach this point, where the consumer prefers us over a similar, powerful brand. It also leads us to what is known as the capital value of the brand. What happens with this is that the client would be willing to pay incredible surcharges to continue using or consuming our brand.

Some of the many benefits of a high-value brand include loyalty, high awareness, improving our bargaining position with resellers – and it will be sought after and accepted by a large number of stores.

That is why your approach of brand building should always be oriented to the creation of high value for the consumer.

For this, we must know our product very well, and we must remember the three levels where we can support ourselves:

  1. The first is the basic benefit or the need for which it was created in its most austere form.
  2. The second level is that of the real product, where we find the brand, its special characteristics, the design, the quality and even the packaging.
  3. The last level is the increased product, in which value is added to the product and implies the guarantee, the after-sale service, credit, delivery, installation, etc.

As already explained, powerful brands do not move in the normal sphere of attributes and benefits, but they seek to connect with the customer through feelings and emotions and, in that way, they will remain much longer in the consumer’s life than with any of the three product levels.

There are many ways to achieve this consumer positioning, but one of the most powerful is though video production. If you want to know more about how we can help your brand building, call us today, at Twelve12 we are waiting to offer you the best option for your company.

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