Communicating Your Brand Visually

Symbols are how we communicate. Theyare the tools we use to summarize and understand our world. But what is a symbol anyway, and what are the symbols that you’re using to represent your brand’s visual identity? A branding agency in Orange County can help add clarity to your symbols.

Industry symbols aren’t enough

Some industries or professions have clearly defined symbols that represent them. Think the red, blue, and white barber shop pole. But even if your profession has such a universally defined symbol your work isn’t finished. As an individual company, with its own story, history, and values, you must define yourself with symbols that convey more than what industry you belong to. You don’t want to be pigeon-holed by a universal symbol (I don’t think there are many hair salons in Orange County that put a barber shop pole in front of their building). At the end of the day you must be able to clearly show who your brand is—no more, and no less.

Speak your audience’s language.

When a symbol is created, two actions are at play: someone makes the symbol, which stands for something, and the other person views the symbol and gets meaning from it. But in order for that second person to understand that meaning, there needs to be mutual understanding between them; in other words, everything within your brand has to speak your audience’s language. This happens on a variety of levels:

  • Style—When a big recognizable brand like Pepsi does a logo refresh, they are hoping to align themselves with the style—the visual language of the moment—in the hope of more directly speaking to the people.A contemporary style is nice, but remember that styles change. Constant logo changes to keep up with style are not necessary, andusually dilute the message of your brand, and confuse your audience.Above all, your logo must symbolize you, not the time you’re in.
  • Color—The symbolism of colors is a strange science. There is great deal of subjectivity involved in color symbolism; still, there is also a great deal of uniformity in the messages colors can have: a deep red is emotional, passionate, and powerful. Yellows are bright, optimistic, and clear. Color conventions are true for most people, which is about as close to the truth as you can get in advertising…
  • Logos—A good logois the core of your brand’s symbolism. In the one quick second in which your logo communicates to the viewer, it has to say everything. At Twelve12, when we make a logo, we aim for layers of meaning: logos that communicate immediately, but which reward a second look. Our logo for Artemis Therapeutics communicates symbolically in such a way. The “A” stands out immediately, as the most powerful and elemental letter. As you continue to look, the ease and softness of the green water color stylevisualsis felt, and it convey the organic, natural message, which Artemis stands for.

Your brand communicates in so many ways. But it’s likely that the first way that your brand communicates will be through visuals. Choose a branding agency in Orange County that is willing to put in the effort to understand your brand’s message before helping you craft a visual identity.

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