Branding Tip: Understanding a Brand


You should do some branding!, what is your favorite brand? What type of brands do you like? We hear things like this all the time, but do we even know what a brand is? Most people will define a brand as a logo or a product, even a color or a name. There is so much more to a brand than what meets the eye or the product that you purchase. Have you ever thought about the meaning of a brand? Is it just a name? Is it a logo? Maybe a combination of colors? If you feel a little bit lost, Twelve12 and our Orange County branding tip experts have some information that you will find interesting.

Trying to define the concept of “brand” in a few words can be complicated; I don’t think that we should just say that is a particular mark or a name that we give to a product, because a brand is so much more than that. If it  is as simple as saying that you will be willing to buy any product that you can find at the supermarket, then, what is the point of having so many options? Why are some brands top-selling brands and some others (that are cheaper than the leaders) only sell a few units a day? Is it the location at the supermarket aisle that makes them a top selling brand? Or do they have those particular privileged locations because they are top sellers?

Interesting, isn’t it?

At Twelve12, we understand that a brand is more than just a creative design or a clever name. It helps to have a catchy name and harmonious blend of colors, but we can say that a brand is the face of a company. If you like what you are buying and it satisfies your needs completely, the chances of buying the same product again are certainly high, and if that same company offers you another brand manufactured by them, you will be more open to trying it, with the trust that built up from previous experiences helping us make decisions regarding a new product.

A brand is a combination of different things, a product, the quality of the product, the customer service provided by the company, etc. As a buyer, you don’t rate a brand depending on how good their logo is; you rate it depending on the whole buying experience and the service provided by the company after you make the purchase. As a result, a brand develops and stands for a company as a guarantee of quality and excellent service (or if the outcome was a bad experience, you may never try a product from the same company again).

If you need to develop your brand and you are struggling with the concept, give us a call today. At Twelve12, the Orange County branding tip expert team, we will take care of your branding needs.

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