Brand it!

One of the most exciting parts of marketing is planning the way that you are going to introduce a brand to the market, but  it is a hard task. All the eyes of the company are set on you and your every move is closely monitored by the upper management. This can be a ticket…

Why Branding is Important.

Branding is one of the most important marketing aspects of any company. The branding process aims to create an image of a product or a company in the consumer’s mind, there are different ways to achieve this goal, but the most important tool to establish a long-lasting relationship with customers is through advertising campaigns. Marketing…

Your Brand’s Worth

The brand is the most important asset of a company when you look at it from a marketing point of view. Few things are as valuable as a well-recognized brand in order to bring new customers to our business and maintain the ones we already have.

Digital Marketing Planning – Part 3

So far we have reviewed how to analyze the market situation where we have to understand where the company or business is at the present moment. We look into how we are doing business, who buys from us, how and why. We also analyze the competitors and their strategies, their advantages and their weaknesses. The…

Better Designs = Better Results

WE LIVE IN A VISUAL WORLD! Everything we look at affects us in some way. It either makes us happy or sad, maybe excited or even depressed. So naturally, better designs that elicit positive emotions will bring better results. BUT how to make that perfect design for a product or company – now that is…

How Social Media has Changed Branding

So what’s the big hype with social media? What exactly is it anyway? Social Media is the medium of websites and applications that enable users to create and share content and participate in social networking, for instance, like Facebook and Twitter. Social media is actually one of the top reasons why people go online. What…

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