Strengthen your brand – and Make a Difference

If you have been following the news, it seems that everywhere we look someone is talking about the world coming apart. It is our job and responsibility to ourselves, our family, our community and the world, to make some changes and help our communities to get back on their feet again and make a difference..

Opportunity to Build Your Business

There are things that you could be doing right now to keep your business going instead of giving up and follow all those business owners that have decided to wait for the crisis to pass. At Twelve12 we want to share with you our ideas about online marketing in Orange County and some things that…

Crisis = New Business Opportunity?

For many, the idea of having their own business has been there for a while, but they haven’t got the time or the drive to make it happen. This is also a time of so many changes; a lot of people have lost their jobs – or at least will be out of a job…

Marketing Ideas During an Economic Crisis

The world is presenting us with a new configuration and the way we used to do things has been taken from us so fast, we haven’t even been able to process what is going on. We have seen many companies close their doors to the public, unable to keep the people who work with them.…

Keeping Business Open and Help Your Community During COVID-19

All over the world, people have been experiencing the devastating effects of the pandemic that is affecting health and economies everywhere. This is not a time to sit and wait to see what happens to your business; you should take control and start developing a crisis plan to face the new set of obstacles. This…

The Importance of Understanding Your Market Segment.

Every day we see how great business ideas suddenly close their doors and wonder what they could have done wrong or if they could have done something to prevent it. At Twelve12, we know that some people do not understand why their businesses are not obtaining the results that they had projected and, in an…

Is Your Marketing Really Effective?

Many small businesses fail to understand the importance of marketing and the impact it has or could have on the success or failure of their operations. In many cases, the opportunity to create a business simply takes shape and the owners are carried away by inertia, taking on the role of passengers rather than the…

Connect with Your Customers – Choose the Right Channel!

One of the key factors of a business is the way communication with customers is established. You can have an excellent business model, with a product with good characteristics, at very attractive prices, and yet if you choose the wrong channels of communication, you will not be able to attract the attention of the segment…

Internet Marketing Strategies for Businesses During Covid-19 Crisis

These have been some crazy days with all that is happening around the world around covid-19. Many businesses have been forced to close their doors, or have seen their flow of customers being dramatically reduced. For many business owners, this might be a sign of an economic apocalypse, however, at Twelve12, we strongly believe in…

Stand out from your competitors – Start building your brand.

There are some things you can do to stand out from your competitors and begin building your brand. The most obvious strategy has to do with the characteristics of the product, price or presentation, unique features, etc. But when the market is too competitive, the differentiation is not as easy to achieve.

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