Make it easier for your customers through your branding strategies

Branding is one of the most important aspects of any type of business. It is the way that you, as a company, will be able to stand out from the competition.  At Twelve12 we are always looking for interesting topics to share with you about Orange County branding strategies. A brand is not just a…

Video content – a powerful tool for business

Are you harnessing video production? A great way to put your company on the online map is to deliver relevant and interesting content to your customers. There are many ways to achieve this. For example, you can have an online blog about topics that relate to your type of business, or you can write a…

Understanding the concept of brand identity.

Brand identity and branding are not synonyms. At Twelve12, we want to share with you some information about branding in Orange County and the concept of brand identity. To put it in simple terms, think about yourself as a brand. You have several distinctive characteristics that make you unique, and even if you hang out…

What you need to know about online marketing strategies

Marketing strategies for your online business is not the same as undertaking traditional marketing. In a way, it still has the same components, but it is somewhat different. Since you are not just competing locally, you are usually marketing at a national level and sometimes even globally. But it doesn’t end there; the customer segment…

SEO Marketing Strategies to Position Your Business

Google is still one of the most popular search engines worldwide. Several research companies estimate that it has more than a billion visitors each month. That is a huge number of people that you wouldn´t be able to reach through a regular physical location. This doesn’t mean that those more than a billion and a…

Marketing your Business: it’s time to step up and go online

Have you been stalling to take your business marketing online for a long time, and now you are feeling the pressure? At Twelve12, we are trying to help all of our clients to get ready and to make their online business happen. We understand that it can be a scary time for you, especially if…

Marketing Tips for Adapting to 2020 in Business

If you are reading this article, you are probably frustrated with being bombarded with so much information about all the changes that you have to meet in your business. The world has changed; big consulting firms are telling the world how to behave, and opinions vary dramatically. This could make any seasoned CEO’s head spin,…

Marketing and Branding – How Buyers Have Changed During COVID-19

Buyer behavior has changed dramatically in recent months, and marketing and branding must meet the challenges of these changes. Most people have been forced to change their shopping habits as a result of the recommendations that most countries have issued to their citizens to try to minimize the number of infections. At Twelve12, we want…

Branding: as important as any marketing strategy

At Twelve12, we have talked several times about strategies that our Orange County branding team believes are the most common for companies, so you can use what fits best for your company. Now, I would like to get a little deeper into what a brand strategy looks like and how you can make it work…

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