Branding is what will help you succeed online

Our Orange County branding team became one of the most requested services at Twelve12 during the last few months, and this is why. Throughout 2020, the world has turned 180 degrees, leaving our heads spinning so fast, that we can hardly remember to breathe – especially if you are a business owner.

Video Production – use videos to promote your business

At Twelve12, we wanted to share with you, some vital marketing information, shared by our video production team in Orange County. Have you been questioning yourself as to whether you should use video to promote your business? Most company owners have, and many put that thought back in the box and revisit every other month,…

Find Your Competitive Advantage to Improve your Brand

A competitive advantage is anything that you can do to make yourself stand out from your rivals and achieve your goals; in particular, increase your profits. When it comes to branding, it is also a great way to strengthen your brand. At Twelve12, we want to tell you more about how you can use competitive…

Geomarketing – and how you can use it for your company.

What is geomarketing? I am sure that you have noticed that every time that you do an online search you get information about businesses that are close to your whereabouts. This is not a coincidence – but the companies are not “spying” on you! Well, maybe a little bit, but it is just information that…

What you need to know about mobile marketing

There is a reason why websites that are not mobile-friendly are ranked lower than those who are. At Twelve12, we are always looking for interesting topics that are most likely to help your business and which you might have not taken into consideration. These are especially important for your online marketing in Orange County or…

Marketing: Knowing your SWOT is a Must!

Marketing: there are some things that every business owner should know about their company before attempting to decide on a marketing strategy. At Twelve12, we want to guide you through the most basic process to analyze your company and market. SWOT analysis is the initial go-to tool for successful marketing companies in Orange County. 

Marketing Tips: Watching your Competitors

It is not enough to understand your customers and try your best to fulfill their needs; it is imperative also to do it better than your competitors. The top marketing firms in Orange County or elsewhere are aware of this, and today, at Twelve12, we want to share with you some marketing tips if you…

Communication: Marketing to Remain Open

With technology comes the customer’s empowerment. Every day it is getting harder and harder for companies to stay ahead; not paying attention to their clients, their needs, their thoughts, and not extending a communication channel towards them is a recipe for disaster. At Twelve12, we want to share with you some insight into commercial intelligence…

Internet Marketing Strategies – Why Research Counts

How much research goes into your internet marketing strategy? At Twelve12, we want to talk to you about one of the most important parts of your internet marketing efforts. Here we will share with you some information on marketing strategies for internet marketing in Orange County or elsewhere.

Which Marketing Agency is the Best Fit for You?

Have you experienced any of these issues when it comes to marketing your business? “I spent a good amount of money on my website and a logo, but I haven’t seen any tangible results so far.” “Online business is not a good option.” “I tried doing business online and I ended up with less money…

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