Marketing Fundamentals for any Business Owner

If you know nothing about marketing, there are some concepts that you may want to understand and that are part of the marketing fundamentals.. These concepts are as valid for Orange County marketing as it is anywhere else in the world and this is why, at Twelve12, we want to explore some of them with…

The Importance of Marketing to Every Business

Marketing is not something that “we just have to do”; it is actually a science that will help you analyze and meet your customers’ expectations and needs. It will also help you fulfil their wishes and make your products more attractive than similar options in your market niche. At Twelve12, we want to share some…

Internet Marketing – Delivering More than Just a Product

We are living in a very interesting time regarding Internet Marketing. We have the tools, we have the technology and now we need to connect with customers online in many different ways and deliver an amazing experience while we do business with them. At Twelve12 we want to share with you some ideas that might…

Branding – More than Colors and Good Logo.

One of the main concerns of some of the clients that consult our Orange County branding team is the difficulty to fully understand why some brands are more successful than others. Most of the time, people come to Twelve12 showing us beautiful logo designs but not succeeding as a brand. If you find yourself in…

Video Production – Marketing Through Social Media

Video production in Orange County is still one of our most requested services at Twelve12 by our clients. Marketing using videos keeps trending year after year, along with content marketing, and it is among the most efficient ways to promote a business. However, corporate videos and brand videos are not the only way to help…

Branding Trends and Social Media

Understanding branding trends is not an easy task for most companies; it is even more complicated for small businesses to achieve an awesome branding strategy, but it is not impossible. That is why at Twelve12 we want to tell you a little more about Branding in Orange County and elsewhere and make your life easier.

Business Opportunities with Online Marketing

In most of the online publications that talk about business, you will find that they recommend avoiding investing in a business at this time. For Twelve12, however, this is not necessarily true – and that is why today we want to talk a little about business opportunities and online marketing in Orange County.

Digital Marketing for Budding Young Entrepreneurs

Wherever there is a problem, there is also an opportunity. That is why, at Twelve12, we would like to talk a little about the options that young people have to take during these complicated global moment, make of it a business opportunity, and become great entrepreneurs. Professional digital marketing in Orange County can help you…

Marketing 101 – The Benefits of Diversification

No one can say for sure when we may return to a relatively normal state of business. Some experts speculate that by mid-2021 we could be seeing a rebound in the economy; however, some others assert that this will not improve until well into 2022. That is why Twelve12  would like to talk a little…

Marketing & Customer Satisfaction

In an article published by McKinsey, they commented on the problems that companies face concerning the measurement of customer satisfaction or CX. As one of the Top Marketing Firms in Orange County, at Twelve12, we want to tell you about this subject today for two reasons; the first is that it is very complicated for…

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