Internet Marketing – More Than Buying Advertising Online

Whenever we have a client here at Twelve12 headquarters that is not sure why there’s a need to hire an internet marketing specialist, I tried to explain the main differences between people online and people offline. It is not a different type of human, but the online persona behaves differently than they usually do. The…

Understanding a brand promise – and how to develop one

I am sure that you are familiar with the concept of “brand”. Most people can explain what a brand is and quote several of their favorite options. However, when we talk about “brand promise” it becomes a little more complicated. This concept is so important for a company that it should be very clear for…

Things you need to know before shooting a product video

We have already discussed (in past blogs) the best tools to promote a product video online. This has become much more evident during the health crisis that we have been experiencing, and in which we still do not see a clear pattern that indicates that our lives will return to what we previously recognized as…

Important things to consider when building your brand

Branding not only helps us to publicize a brand; it is also a great tool to raise the value of a company’s brand and turn it into its foundations for a source of future income. At Twelve12, we are aware of the importance of every step that you must take to building your brand, and…

Twelve12 Named as One of the Most Reviewed Web Design Companies in Los Angeles

Here at Twelve12, we value delivering impressive results to our clients. We go beyond the power of branding to provide your business with the traction that it deserves. As such, we utilize modern solutions to help you achieve desired outcomes fast and efficiently. With that in mind, we’re excited to announce that we’ve been recognized…

Online marketing tips to keep you at the top of the game

Online competition is getting harder by the second, with all the changes in the last two years, almost every company had to go online to avoid closing their doors. This might seem complicated and a potential problem, however, it also catapulted us at least ten years into the future of online business. It is up…

Breaking down market layers

If you have been reading our blogs, I am sure that you know very well what your market is, and you probably can explain your main market, provide a general profile of your customers, and even explain how you communicate with them through different channels. What you might not know is how to break down…

Digital marketing activities to focus on 2022

The concept of digital marketing includes all those activities made online to create relationships with customers, develop a brand, and conduct businesses. It is pretty much everything that we traditionally do but within the online scenario. At Twelve12, we want to share with you some more information about digital marketing in Orange County and some…

PR activities your company can use for its advantage

Public relations (PR) in a company are activities of vital importance for the constructive development of communication. Not only with customers but also with suppliers, distributors, and any group that may have an interest or that is directly or indirectly related to our business. At Twelve12, we want to share with you the tools that…

Public Relations and how it can help your company

Companies don’t only have clients and workers. There are a large number of figures that change depending on the line of business in which the company is dedicated; in some cases, it is a supplier, in others, it is a manufacturer and, in many others, it is an intermediary or retailer. In each of the…

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