Is branding your business as a cheaper option a smart choice?

When it comes to branding there is no proven formula that works the same for every company; it depends on many factors and, if done well, it should be unique and successful no matter the size of the business. However, there are several companies out there that are willing to position themselves as a cheap…

Use social media marketing to reach new heights

When the world was taken hostage by the health crisis, some other changes came along with it. We couldn’t behave as usual; there were lockdowns, several companies closed their doors, children had to stay home and attend school remotely; et cetera. With all the restrictions in place, we were thrown on a 10-year-forward-leap regarding our…

Are you working your online marketing like a pro?

One of the main issues when customers describe their online marketing is believing that buying online advertising space is as far as they should go. In some cases, they don’t even care who sees their advertising, as long as it is up and running and it gets them something back. Not even a purchase, for…

Marketing in a Recession

In recent weeks, voices expressing concern about the imminent recession that is expected to affect most countries have begun to make numerous business owners nervous. In many cases, companies have started planning cutbacks in different areas to navigate this problem. But is reducing certain activities of the company the best way to face this problem?

How effective PR management can help your company

At Twelve12, we understand the importance of public relations for any company, and that even individuals need PR management once they reach a certain level of public recognition. Public relations firms are a great asset for your business that will prepare the ground for achieving the goals that you have set for your company. A…

What to do in a PR crisis

As we have talked about in previous blogs, marketing and PR should work under the same guidelines with constant communication between both areas. Public Relations firms in Orange County, such as Twelve12, are in high demand for PR crisis handling, and we get some customers that are lost with bad reviews or comments. There is…

Public Relations and Marketing – Are They the Same Thing?

Most of the time, public relations and marketing are perceived by the public as part of the same process. It wasn’t that long ago, however, that most companies had separate management for each of those activities. Here we will discuss some of the aspects of marketing and public relations that many other PR companies in…

Things to Consider When Designing your Advertising.

There are many ways to advertise your products and services, but a lot of people tend to make mistakes over and over again. These errors can result in very frustrating results for your business. Part of the job of advertising companies is to analyze your offer to direct your advertising efforts and budget effectively. At…

Get to know your customers before you select your media

Have you ever thought about hiring one of the media companies in Orange County? Is it really important which type of media we use to advertise a product? Absolutely yes! It does matter, as not everyone has the same preferences. Some people are more comfortable watching ads online; others enjoy listening to podcasts or radio…

What’s the best way to design a brand?

Designing a brand is not an easy task, and there are some different points of view on how to do it. Nobody, however, can guarantee that following a specific series of steps is going to turn your efforts into a successful brand. We don’t mean that it is a random stroke of luck whether a…

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