
Hit the Target: Marketing Strategies.

In past articles, we have talked about the importance of knowing the type of business that you are running; we explained that a deep understanding of your business is of the most importance when you develop marketing strategies. At Twelve12, we are committed to help you go through the whole process and guide you until…

What is Your business?

As a follow up on past articles, we want to keep talking about the importance of understanding some important aspects of your company. At Twelve12, we approach every angle of your business, but before we present any strategy as a marketing agency in Orange County, we rise above common practices and find out exactly what…

Marketing as a Whole Universe

For the average person, when someone mentions the phrase Marketing Agency they immediately think about advertising and promotions, but there is so much more to know and understand about Marketing. In a broad sense, Marketing is a process that involves any effort assembled to fulfill a particular need or desire with a degree of satisfaction. I…

Marketing – Customer Evolution

The amazing and complex world of Marketing is more interesting than ever before, and we have witnessed the change of the consumer at high speed during the past few decades ie Customer Evolution. It is a marvelous thing to be able to buy through our computers or cell phones and have the opportunity to compare…

Branding and Marketing with Twelve12

Sometimes, the concept of branding is not very clear to business people. If you don’t have a lot of knowledge of the marketing world, you may be under the belief that marketing and branding are synonyms and/or a cost center. Marketing is not just “something” that you pay for; it involves every aspect of the…

Marketing Makeover Emergency

We all have experienced it before:  that horrible feeling of jealousy, knowing that the competition looks better than you, every time you take a look “they” are showing off that new thing and they attract almost everyone like flies to honey. The green monster of envy grows and you know that it is time for…

The Marketing Universe

Marketing is one of the most important processes of any company and there is more to it than just advertising products or promotional campaigns. There are many forces present in the marketing process, it is not just about the product or services of a company or business.

Marketing: It is a battlefield!!!

You are probably familiar with the word “Marketing”, but do you really understand what it means and what a marketing company should bring to your business? First of all, you need to understand that even though the marketing goal is to make your business grow, it is not best achieved by bombarding your customers and…

The Online Jungle

One of the hardest things to achieve on internet marketing is to keep those clients that bought from us coming back again. Online and offline customers have been conditioned over the years to keep on looking for bargains and through recent Neuromarketing discoveries, we now know that what we used to call “customer loyalty” is…

Why Branding is Important.

Branding is one of the most important marketing aspects of any company. The branding process aims to create an image of a product or a company in the consumer’s mind, there are different ways to achieve this goal, but the most important tool to establish a long-lasting relationship with customers is through advertising campaigns. Marketing…

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