Online Marketing Options

Have you been doing online business for a considerable amount of time and haven’t really seen the benefit of doing so? Is it taking you too long to achieve an adequate level of recognition? Being online hasn’t really proven worth it for your company? Before leaving your website to die or bringing it down permanently,…

Beat Your Competitors With These E-commerce Strategies

At Twelve12, we know that winning isn’t everything – it´s the only thing. Let’s get real, nobody likes to be in second place; we all want to be the winners and this is why we bring you today some E-commerce strategies used by the top marketing firms in Orange County, to help you achieve your…

Transform Your Ideas Into a Real Business.

Developing an online business is more than just having a good idea, it can be a great one, but if you are not aware of how to turn your ideas into reality it will never flourish into a successful business. At Twelve12, we create specific plans for online marketing in Orange County and elsewhere, according…

Should You Invest in Digital Marketing? The Answer is Probably Yes!

Some authors of important publications continue insisting that betting on digital marketing is a mistake. However, digital marketing experts in Orange County find it a bit inconsistent when they deny the scope of digital technologies and their influence in today’s world when it is precisely there where they publish and distribute their ideas. At Twelve12,…

Social Media Listening

We have talked about the importance of marketing strategies many times. Today, I want to talk about something that I believe is truly important for your online marketing. Social Media Listening. At Twelve12 (like all top marketing companies in Orange County) we know that social media is a big part of your marketing plan, at…

New Year Resolution : Online Business Improvements

Christmas has been, and the Twelve12 team hopes that you enjoyed your holiday with family and friends, and also managed to have great sales and a lot of leads. But even if the year is  over, and a new one beginning, this is no time to let your online business go. Actually, all the opposite.…

Internet Marketing Strategies : Senses and Emotions

It is well known by now that to have a successful marketing campaign, it is imperative to connect with our customers on a deeper level. Traditional marketing used to appeal to visual content rather than anything else in order to reach customers; today, the same customers are well informed and they rely on opinions from…

Where To Start Doing Business Online Marketing?

It seems like doing online marketing is the easiest thing in the world; everybody knows about it, your high school friend has a blog and a fan page with “a lot” of followers, and she had offered to help you out with yours and even share your content with those followers. And we also see…

Best Internet Marketing strategies for your Small Business

It seems that you must be living under a rock, in the middle of the desert if you are not familiar with the internet by now. Pretty much everyone is online now: kids use it to play with friends and for their school, teachers and other professionals use it for personal and business reasons, and…

From the Inside Out: Leveraging Behavioral Insights in Marketing

We all know that marketing is rooted in psychology. We want to encourage people, whether through intellect, emotions, or both, that they should buy what we’re selling. The cutsie term for this is giving them a ‘nudge’. It’s founded on the awkward truth that just having a great product often isn’t enough to competitively sell.…

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