Why Digital Marketing

Whether we like it or not, marketing plays a big role in our lives. We are constantly bombarded by advertising and promotions everywhere. Sometimes it seems that it comes from almost any piece of technology that we have. Our television, radio, phones, tablets, etc. Many digital marketing campaigns can even leave a deep impression on…

Online Marketing and Young Professionals

Digital marketing is an excellent choice for online based companies. Marketing experts must be specialized in digital marketing before taking a plunge into the digital world, such as the digital marketing companies in Orange County. A marketing campaign designed for regular media won’t necessarily work in digital media, and you have to choose carefully what…

Online Marketing Trends

Online Marketing is a fascinating topic. In the ever-changing internet world, we can find several ways to communicate with potential clients. While advertising used to try to provide as much information as it could some years ago, now the trend is moving towards more simplistic messages. Visual content is becoming very popular, the theory behind…

Branding agencies in Los Angeles

The way a consumer reaches a buying decision is a very complex and the theories around this process have changed many times over the past few years. Small companies don’t pay too much attention to this particular subject, even though it is one of the key factors to running a successful business.

Digital Marketing and Video Production

For most small business is impossible to invest massive amounts of money into their marketing plans, and developing an effective marketing plan is one of the most important activities of any company, big or small. Small business owners have to figure out how to get the most out of the resources that they put into…

Digital marketing and branding

The buying decision is a very complex process; many companies and small business owners don’t pay too much attention to this when it is actually one of the key factors for any business, no matter what size. Consumers are complicated and they are not easy to understand. We live in a digital era and this…

Digital Marketing Planning Part 6-final

One of the most important components of digital marketing planning is the way we monitor our performance. In the past articles, we have reviewed the whole cycle of the Digital Marketing Planning. I often direct you to seek advice from Twelve12, Digital Marketing in Orange County experts. We have explained how to perform a SWOT…

Digital Marketing Planning – Part 4

We have reached one of the most important parts of digital marketing planning, in this article we will discuss the tactics that we should put in place to get our company exactly where we want it to be. Twelve12, leaders in the digital marketing Orange County, are expert professionals dedicated to elaborate the most effective…

Digital Marketing Planning – Part 3

So far we have reviewed how to analyze the market situation where we have to understand where the company or business is at the present moment. We look into how we are doing business, who buys from us, how and why. We also analyze the competitors and their strategies, their advantages and their weaknesses. The…

Digital Marketing Planning – Part 2

At Twelve12, we believe that digital marketing shouldn’t be done without any regard or supervision. That is why we are one of the top Digital Marketing Companies in Orange County; we take pride in the constant reviews of the latest technologies and trends so we can design the most effective campaigns for Internet Marketing in…

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