Social media engagement – great for your company

Interacting with people on social media channels is a very interesting experience for anyone, however, it can be a hazard for a company if you don’t get it right. If you only use your account to post ads, people will just dismiss your ads most of the time. This can take an even worse turn…

Advertising on social media – not just about posting ads

When you think about advertising and promoting brands and/or companies, you probably think radio, T.V., newspaper, magazines, billboards and for a few years now, online. The internet is a great place where a marketer’s creativity has no limits but their own. If I ask you about it, you will probably mention ads on social media,…

What you need to know about online marketing strategies

Marketing strategies for your online business is not the same as undertaking traditional marketing. In a way, it still has the same components, but it is somewhat different. Since you are not just competing locally, you are usually marketing at a national level and sometimes even globally. But it doesn’t end there; the customer segment…

SEO Marketing Strategies to Position Your Business

Google is still one of the most popular search engines worldwide. Several research companies estimate that it has more than a billion visitors each month. That is a huge number of people that you wouldn´t be able to reach through a regular physical location. This doesn’t mean that those more than a billion and a…

It’s Time to go Pro on your Digital Marketing Strategy!

Is your digital marketing strategy professional? At Twelve12, we want to help you through these difficult times.  We consider you not just another client, but also a friend – what are friends for if not to help each other in times of need? You may have realized by now the importance of having an online…

Internet Marketing Strategies for Businesses During Covid-19 Crisis

These have been some crazy days with all that is happening around the world around covid-19. Many businesses have been forced to close their doors, or have seen their flow of customers being dramatically reduced. For many business owners, this might be a sign of an economic apocalypse, however, at Twelve12, we strongly believe in…

Dont overlook your online presence.

Online presence is something that shouldn’t be overlooked by any company. Almost everyone gets online at least once a day (if not several times a day) and for several hours! TV and radio have been very much displaced by smartphones and computers. Having such an audience captive for most of the day should be noticed…

Why digital marketing is crucial for your business

Today, it is more important than ever to consider the digital tools available that may help us improve our businesses. At Twelve12, we are aware that digital marketing in Orange County has become one of the marketing activities that shouldn’t be overlooked by any company, no matter the size.

The 4 C’s For Your Digital Marketing

At Twelve12 we want to give you some more information on the 4 C’s of marketing so you can understand how to use them to your business advantage when you plan your digital marketing strategies in Orange County or anywhere else in the world.

Understanding Conversion Rate and other Metrics

As a very important part of the online marketing practice in Orange County and anywhere around the globe, the Conversion Rate is still one key indicator of the proficiency of your online marketing strategies.

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