Branding Strategy: Important Things to Keep In Mind

There’s so much information about branding out there, it usually contains a lot of specialized terminology and basically you end up reading a book abstract that leaves you exactly in the same spot where you started – looking for information about how to do effective branding for your business.

Turn Your Clients Into Your Brand Advocates

If you think that the final goal of your marketing strategies is to make a sale, let me tell you that you are not achieving one of the most important aspects of your brand development! If you already know what I’m about to tell you, keep on reading regardless, as it never hurts to get…

Emotion & Intellect: Strategic Planning’s Two-Fold Impact

Strategic planning can be a curious thing. Different companies with different facilitators can produce wildly different planning sessions with wildly different goals. If done properly, though, the impact of such a session is wide-reaching, and can generally be grouped into benefits of an intellectual nature, and benefits of an emotional nature. As strategic planning’s benefits…

Branding Pains

So, you developed a Brand successfully, that is a great thing to do and it takes a lot of time and dedication to do so. But are you getting the feeling that people are not as happy with your brand as they were before? Are you currently struggling with your branding efforts? Are you not…

Why Hire a Branding Agency, Anyway?

It can be easy, when researching branding and marketing strategy, to get down a rabbit hole with all the things that go into making your company grow. Before looking too deeply into PPC ads, SEO-optimized web design, and other highly specific topics, it may be useful to start out from square one: Why hire a…

Getting Down to Business

The guys at Green Flag, Gareth Ashworth and Nick Cruickshank, are on a mission. Both are dedicated to rope access, which they see as the preferred, and sometimes the only, way to safely inspect and repair industrial work sites. Green Flag was founded to take this vision of safety forward.

Bringing Empowerment

Trish isn’t the stylist of the rich and famous—she’s there to bring empowerment to real women. What initially drew us to her as a client was her background. Rooted in counseling and psychology, Trish doesn’t simply push products down people’s throats. She puts high value on the experience, the self-confidence, and the many benefits that…

Communicating Your Brand Visually

Symbols are how we communicate. Theyare the tools we use to summarize and understand our world. But what is a symbol anyway, and what are the symbols that you’re using to represent your brand’s visual identity? A branding agency in Orange County can help add clarity to your symbols.

Brand Personality

What is Brand Personality? Branding is one of the most challenging things that we have to do as marketers, but it is also a fun and rewarding activity. A brand is a reflection (or should be) of your whole company; the values, ways of interaction with the community, quality of the product, the efficiency of the…

Don’t Lose the Story

There are two types of video production that you can implement: the kind that improves and brings into focus the story that your brand is trying to convey, and the kind that covers up and distracts from that story. This is true for every single type of video, from keeping up a vlog, to storyboarding…

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